4th - 25th October 2017 ( Week 6 - Week 8)
Gan Pei Jane ( 0327622)
Typography & Hypertextuality 
A story book

Lecture/Tutorial 6: 

4th October 2017 ( Week 6)

There is no lecture this week. We are working on Project 1.

Lecture/Tutorial 7: 

11th October 2017 ( Week 7)

For this lecture, we learn that different typeface families exhibits different and unique characteristics. For instance, even though Arial and Helvetica are both sans-serif typefaces, there still exhibit different "personalities" and characteristics. Another example of subtle font differences can be seen in Avenir and Gotham. These small differences and details are important to note down when designing our own typefaces for Project 2.

Fig. 1: Features of Arial and Helvetica. 

Fig. 2: Features of Avenir and Gotham.

Lecture/Tutorial 8: 

25th October 2017 ( Week 8)

Mr. Vinod briefs us on Project 2 and asked us to do several sketches on our design of the font used for Project 2. He cautions us not to design anything too decorative as his main objective of this project is to test our understanding of typography basics.




Project 1 ( Week 6)A Story Book 

Fig. 3: Mr. Babadook front cover.

Fig. 4: 2nd & 3rd page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 5: 4th & 5th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 6: 6th & 7th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 7: 8th & 9th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 8: 10th & 11th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 9: 12th & 13th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 10: 14th & 15th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 11: 16th & 17th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 12: 18th & 19th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 13: 20th & 21st page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 14: 22nd & 23rd page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 15: 24th & 25th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 16: 26th & 27th page of Mr. Babadook.

Fig. 17: Last page and back cover of Mr. Babadook.

                                                            Fig. 18: Embedded PDF of book. 

Fig. 19: Photograph of front cover of Mr. Babadook booklet.

Fig. 20: Photograph of content of Mr. Babadook booklet.

                                                         Fig. 21: Mr Babadook Animation



Week 6

Mr. Vinod pointed out that I needed to keep the amount of fonts used to one only, as I have used multiple fonts on my first attempt. He said that if I used only one font, it would make the work cleaner and easier to transition from one page to another. He also asked me to align the layout properly so that it will look neater and cleaner. The font that I've chosen, Bodoni, was not commonly used so he said it would be interesting to see what I would do with the font. After the feedback was given, I continued to work on the project given.

Week 7
After I have done the corrections needed, Mr. Vinod pointed out that I could make the work better by making use of the negative and positive space to keep things looking interesting. After working on the project, I then show the work to Mr. Vinod again, in which he approved, but to make the design better, he helped me improve more on the design by giving me some advice onto the layout and placement of certain words in the given spaces. After I am done with improving my design, Mr. Vinod then asked me to proceed with animating the book.

Week 8
Mr. Vinod commented that my book was good in the first few pages, but then when it got to the ending, it seems to be predictable as he said that my layout is consistent and may have worked "too well together" that it takes off the mysterious vibe that was apparent in the first few pages. But other than that, it was all good. As for the animation, Mr. Shamsul commented that some part of the animation is too repetitive and that I should be more selective on which part to animate. He then suggested that I should do some adjustments to the timing of the animation, especially on the last "Dook!".


1. Experience 

Week 6

The project given is not as straightforward and easy as I thought that it would be to arrange the given text into a story book. The project requires time to plan the layout and choose a font properly to best suit the theme of the story.

Week 7
Adobe InDesign is different from the other Adobe software I have used and this requires time to completely get used to the software. It was interesting to work with this software to design the story book.

Week 8

I have decided to keep the concept of my work simple and neat in order to maintain its subtleness and not to make my work a mess.

2. Observation

Week 6

I have realized that I have chosen way too many fonts for me to handle. I have decided to then keep my work minimal and simple in order to maintain its simplicity.

Week 7
I needed to learn how to make use of negative and positive space and add subtle effects into my design in order to keep it interesting. Adding animation to the text was so simple that many mistakes can be easily made.

Week 8
I have to learn how to make the animation less repetitive and be more diligent in choosing which animations to add and when to add those animations.

3. Findings

Week 6

As I have to choose only one typeface to design the project, I have to take care and caution in order to choose a typeface that best fits Mr. Babadook. As Bodoni is an interesting typeface to me and it is not commonly used, I decided to choose this typeface for my project.

Week 7
I realized that by using guidelines, it can really help align and arrange the project properly and make readability easier. I must also be cautious in the use of negative and positive space in order to make my work seem interesting.

Week 8
Being selective is definitely a skill that you should have in doing this project. Less is more and that is why I decided to make my project simple and subtle.

Book of the Week 

Week 6 - Week 8

For these few weeks, I have been more interested in font designs and have been looking at the various fonts designs from the book Typo Latino by Jodi Villafranca.

Fig. 22 & 23: Typo Latino front and back cover.

There are two routes for typographical design: creation and re-creation. The first emerges from personal ability, or the demands of the specific project. The second, "re-creation", applies the same qualities to developing existing forms with the aim of improving them, or making them available for all. 
This book talks about designing fonts, from re-creating fonts to creating your own design. It also features various font designs created by Latin designers. 
