Gan Pei Jane (0327622)
Typography & Hypertextuality 
Final Compilation and Reflection

Project 1: A Story Book
Project 2: Font Design
Final Project - Kinetic Typography



Exercise 1 (Week 1 & 2) - Calligraphy

Fig. 1: Horizontal Lines, Vertical Lines and Circles.

Fig. 2: Written quote.

Exercise 2 (Week 3) - Lettering

Fig. 3: Name GIF.

Exercise 3 (Week 4 & 5) - Type Expression

Fig. 4: Type Expression.

Fig. 5: Verb GIF.


Project 1 (Week 6 - Week 8) - A Story Book

                                                            Fig. 6: Embedded PDF of book. 
Link to final design of Mr. Babadook:


Fig. 7: Video of Mr. Babadook.
Link to YouTube video of Mr. Babadook: 

Fig. 8: Photograph of front cover of Mr. Babadook's book.

Fig. 9: Photograph of content of Mr. Babadook's book.

Fig. 10: Photograph of content of Mr. Babadook's book.


Project 2 (Week 9 - Week 11) - Font Design 

Fig. 11: The completed letter forms.

Fig. 12: Preview of designed font.


Final Project (Week 12 & Week 13) - Poster Design

Fig. 13: Poster Design.

Fig. 14: Animation of Poster Design.



Throughout this entire module, I have learned many things. I have learned to open up and be a little more experimental about design and had also gained many knowledge about composition and perspective in terms of design, and not to mention, a critical eye when determining even the smallest errors in my work. All these aside, typography is a very important subject when it comes to design as type can help convey a message better, this module has stretched me more than I expected in terms of being discipline and making hard work. I have experienced many ups and downs in this module, while there are downs, I have to learn to pick myself up again and try, no matter how hard it is. In the end, hard work can pay off, and if you still couldn't learn how to be better, there is always another chance in life to try again. 

Looking back at what I have done, I realized that being critical about our own work can always help us achieve better. Do not settle for what you have just done, always try to correct yourself, there is always room for improvement. Besides that, we must also be smart when choosing a design to move on with. We need to master the basics, then only we can aim to pursue higher. 

Findings  To be a good designer, you must be willing to learn, learning is the key to success, and we must also be able to be open to criticism and always learn from our mistakes. Working hard, and being passionate is one of the most important things when it comes to design. 
