Digital Imaging & Visualisation - Project 1

Gan Pei Jane
Digital Imaging and Visualisation
Project 1 - Surrealistic Animated Art GIF

For our first project, we are required to do a surrealistic animated art GIF using a our on photos with reference to a surrealistic painting of our choice.
For this project, I wanted to make a GIF with reference to a painting by Rene Magritte.

Fig. 1: Art by Rene Magritte.

With this photo, I used several photographs that I took and a picture of a fish using Adobe Photoshop to make the surrealism art.
Here are the three photos that I used: 

Fig. 2: Raw photograph 1.

Fig. 3: Raw photograph 2.

Fig. 4. Raw photograph 3.

Fig. 5: Fish.

After that, I used photoshop to make the surrealism art using a displacement mat for the fish to create a rock texture, masking, duplicate and hue and saturation change for the clouds, sea and rock: 

Fig. 6: Displacement mat for rock texture on fish.

Fig. 7: Final artwork using Photoshop.

Here's the final art work from Photoshop for the surrealism art: 

Fig. 8: Final surrealism artwork of fish. sky, stone and sea with reference from Rene Magritte.

After completing the final surrealism art in Photoshop, I exported the image into After Effects to make the animation: 

Fig. 9: Final animated GIF.
