3D Animation for Games - Animation Block Out without Weapons

Gan Pei Jane 
Short Semester 1.5 
Bachelor of Multimedia Design

Short Semester : 3D Animation for Games

Project : Animation Block Out without Weapons

For this project, we are required to do 6 animation block outs using the character Conan that we acquired from HighEnd3D website. 

Among the 6 animations are:
1. Attack
2. Block
3. Death
4. Idle
5. Run
6. Walk

Fig. 1: Conan Attack Without Weapon.

Fig. 2: Conan Block Without Weapon.

Fig. 3: Conan Death Without Weapon.

Fig. 4: Conan Idle Without Weapon.

Fig. 5: Conan Run Without Weapon.

Fig. 6: Conan Walk Without Weapon.
