Video Editing and Production - Storyboarding

Gan Pei Jane
Bachelor of Multimedia Design
Semester 2 (March 2018 ~ July 2018)
Video Editing and Production


Week 1 & 2 

Mr. Martin briefed us on our first assignment, which is storyboarding and also coming up with photographs and drawings to describe the topic. We are required to create a story that revolves around the theme "What will happen if humans suddenly disappeared?" He told us that we can think creatively about what will happen if humans disappeared. It was a fairly interesting, yet tough topic to get around. But after several attempts on creating a story that revolves around disappearance of humans, I finally come to an idea. 

The summary of the story is as follows: 

What will happen if people on earth suddenly disappeared? 

Jake: Boy, 22 years old, student, loves playing video games, anxious, bored, has a girlfriend and lives with his housemate. 
The only guy to survive after humans are suddenly wiped out of earth. 
Jason: Boy, 20 years old, housemate of Jake, disappeared one day along with all the other humans on earth. 
Alice: Girl, 21 years old, girlfriend of Jake, disappeared. One day reappearing in his apartment as a lifeless automated robot that only speaks limited sentences. 
End: An ethereal being, visits Jake after 3 days of humans disappearing. Encourages Jake to end his life with the others because, why not? Everyone disappeared anyway. 

Summary of story
Jake is an ordinary uni student that has a few friends and a girlfriend that cares about him. He enjoys playing games and hanging out with his pals but he has a bad habit, 
he enjoys taking recreational drugs even when people around him had tried to stop him. He lead a fairly ordinary life until one day, while being bored and snorting powder, 
he found himself unconscious and in a blurry world full of weird incidents, many of the people around him started disappearing one by one, leaving him feeling totally confused 
and helpless but he mistakens it for real life. After 3 whole days of disappearance, an entity visits Jake and tells him that "since all people who he care about are disappearing 
anyway, why don't you end your life too?" The entity promises Jake that it will end his misery. 

Ending #1: 
Jake fought hard and struggled to survive. He found that the entity is just all in his mind. 
Slowly, one by one, people started coming back into his life and Jake quit drugs and started focusing on building his life right again.

The ending above is a more positive ending that I gave the story after Mr. Martin commented that the ending is lacking. My original ending is where Jake, the main character, dies from drug overdose. I find it cliche as well. After giving it several thoughts, I wonder if a more positive ending could give the viewers a sense of hope? 

The original ending
Jake's heart was beating in his ears as the faint sound of an ambulance arriving rings in a distance. His eyes slowly shuts to a close as he draws his last breath. 

The story is not completely refined yet, so I will continue to try to come up with a more refined plot line and ending for the story. 
