Video Editing and Production - Storyboard Breakdown


Scene 1: (night) ( Jake, Jason, Jess, Han and Alice)
1. Alice playing phone on the dining table feeling annoyed and bored.
2. Jake and Han and Jess playing poker loudly in the living room.
3. Han and Jess laughed and joke about whoever loses need to take drugs.
4. Jake lost and threw the cards violently on the table and cursed.
5. Jake then demands the drug.
6. Jake takes the drug.
7. Jake laughs loudly and asked Alice to hand him a beer.
8. Jake looks at Alice.
9. Alice looks back at Jake angrily.
10. Jake gives Alice an annoyed glance.
11. Alice ignores Jake and walks into her room.
12. Jake gets up angrily and stomp into her room.
13. Almost reaching, Jason stops Jake.
14. Jess and Han leaves the house.
15. Jason told Jake not to be angry at Alice.
16. Jake asked Jason to "f off".
17. Jason disappeared.

Scene 2: (morning) ( Alice and Jake)
1. Alice at the dressing table putting on make up.
2. Jake attempts to hug Alice.
3. Alice gets angry and pushes Jake away.
4. Alice got up and took her bag.
5. Jake says to Alice "So you're gonna leave then? I'm forgiving you for ystd and now you're going to act like an asshole?"
6. Alice looks back at Jake angrily.
7. Jake says to Alice "Go then!"
8. Jake smashes the make up off the table and kicks the chair.
9. Jake shouts to Alice "Disappear!"
10. Alice disappeared.

Scene 3: (morning) ( Jake)
1. Jake opens the fridge and eats some food, drinks some beer and throw them on the floor. He then took a pill and places it on the table.
2. Jake goes into Alice room and into her cupboard to mess up her clothes and make up.
3. Jake laughs.

Scene 4: (mid morning) (Jake)
1. Jake goes to uni to consult lecturer.
2. Jake gets bad remarks.
3. Jake walks out of consultation room.
4. Jake crumpled his notes and throws them.
5. Jake fishes a beer from his bag and drinks.
6. Jake receives a text from Jess and Han to smoke.

Scene 5: (mid morning) ( Jess, Han and Jake)
1. Jake walks to smoking area to meet Jess and Han.
2. They are all smoking.
3. Han made a joke about Jake and Jess laugh.
4. Jake losses it and holds up his arm about to punch Han.
5. Jake looks up at Han.
6. Everyone disappeared.
7. Jake blurs and clutches his head.
8. Jake looks around.
9. Jake turns to call Alice but unavailable.
10. Jake walks around campus.
11. Jake goes home.

Scene 6: (afternoon) (Jake)
1. Jake clutches his head and shakes it and grunts.
2. Jake goes to the fridge to open a can of beer.
3. Jake throws the can on the floor after a few gulps.
4. Jake looks at the pill bottle on the table.
5. Jake took a pill.
6. Jake feels heavy headed.
7. Jake calls out for Alice to hand him the beer.
8. Jake realizes Alice isn't there anymore.
9. Jake took more pills and is knocked out on the sofa.

Scene 7: (Alice and Jake)
1. Jake opens his eyes.
2. Alice stares down at him.
3. Jake feels relieved.
4. Alice and Jake spends the day together.
5. Alice takes a selfie.
6. Alice says she is sleepy and they then took a nap together.

Scene 8: (Jake)
1. Jake wakes up without Alice beside him.
2. Jake checks his phone to find no selfies with him.
3. Jake feels helpless.
4. Jake went and took more drugs.
5. Jake does not feel the effects.
6. Jake feels frustrated.
7. Jake takes more drugs.
8. Jake overdoses and dies.
