Video Editing and Production - Storyboard

Storyboard Finalized:

Scene 1 (night)- Alice, Jake's girlfriend looks annoyed while playing with her phone at the dining table, she feels bored. Jake is in a party with Alice, Jason, Jess, and Han. They are playing poker and whoever loses needs to take drugs. Jake lost. He threw his cards on the table violently and loudly cursed. But seemed unfaltered by the fact he needed to take those drugs, he is just upset that he lost. When prompted to take drugs, he took them willingly. Then laughed and shouted loudly at his girlfriend to get him a beer. He looked at her and she looked back angrily. He gave her an annoyed glance. She then walked back into her room without acknowledging Jake. Jake gets increasingly angry and stomped into the room. Upon reaching, Jason stopped him. Seeing the situation worsen, Jess and Han requested to leave. Jason then coax Jake to feel better and told him not to be angry at his girlfriend. Jake told Jason to 'fuck off'. Jason disappeared.

Scene 2 (morning)- Alice is at her dressing table putting on makeup preparing to go somewhere. Jake tries to hug Alice from the back, trying to smooch Alice. She isn't having it as she was angry from the night before. She pushes him away and stood up and prepares to leave. He shouted at her saying 'so you're gonna leave then? I'm forgiving you for yesterday and now you're gonna act like some bitch?' She looks back at him angrily. 'go then!' he smashes the makeup on the table until it fell to the floor and then kicks the chair. 'disappear!' Alice is gone.

Scene 3 (morning)- Gaining pride, Jake becomes more of an asshole. After Alice left, he went to the fridge and opens food, pills and beer cans and after consuming, throwing onto the ground for Alice to pick when she comes back. Then he proceeds into her cupboard to purposefully mess up her clothes and makeup, destroying her make up by throwing them all over her dresser and clothes and just having fun and laughing.

Scene 4 (mid-morning)- He reaches to uni to consult his lecturer regarding his assignment and the lecturer then dislikes his work and he walked out of the consultation room, crumpled his notes and threw them at the corner outside the classroom. He then fishes a bottle of beer from his bag and drinks then receives a text from Jess and Han to smoke.

Scene 5 (afternoon)- He went to meet Jess and Han to smoke. While smoking Han made a joke about Jake and Jess laughed but Jake isn't having it. Jake then losses it and was about to hold up his arm to punch Han but when he looked at Han, everyone around him disappeared. His vision blurs a bit as he clutches his head and shakes his head. He turned to look around him but there was no one. Walking around, he has a weird feeling that everyone disappeared. He turned to call Alice but the number
is unavailable. He then walks around the campus and around him home but there was no one.

Scene 6 (afternoon)- Feeling a bit dazed, he goes home while clutching his head and grunts. Reaching his house, he goes to the fridge and opens more beer cans and throws them on the floor after consuming. He looked at the pill bottle blurrily on the table and consumes a few. Feeling kinda heavy headed he shouted 'Alice, get me a beer..' but then realized Alice isn't there anymore. He then took more drugs and is knocked out on the sofa.

Scene 7 (morning, evening)- He opens his eyes to see Alice staring down at him. Alice comes back. He feels relieved and hugs her. They spend the day together almost forgetting that the disappearance happened. Alice then wanted to take a selfie to remember this day of happiness. They then end the day sleeping together due to Jake's requests.

Scene 8 -(night) He wakes up without Alice beside him. He checked his phone and there are no selfies and evidence that they were together the day before. Feeling totally helpless he took drugs again. But he could not feel the effects anymore. He then got even more frustrated and downs the entire bottle and overdoses and dies.
