3D Modelling - Project 1: Hard Surface Modelling

Gan Pei Jane
Bachelor of Multimedia Design
Semester 2 (March 2018 ~ July 2018)
3D Modelling

Project 1: Hard Surface Modelling

Week 3 to Week 6 (4th to 29th April 2018)

For our first 3D Modelling assignment, we are required to model a hard surface model. For this assignment, I wanted to model a dragon robot. It is tough to 3D model at first, because I am not sure how to use Maya, but after playing around with it, I think that it is surprisingly fun to 3D model, albeit tedious.

Here's the modelling process for the 3D model. We first sketch our visualized model onto paper, and then after sketching, we will begin modelling.

Fig. 1: Sketching for Dragon Robot.

After that, I begin my hard surface modelling.

I chose a red and orange color scheme for my dragon robot so that it looks more like a fire dragon and a Phong material because it looks more toy-like, which is what I want to achieve.

Fig. 2: Hard Surface Modelling in Maya (back view).

Fig. 3: Hard Surface Modelling in Maya (3-quarter back view).

Fig. 4: Hard Surface Modelling in Maya (3-quarter front view).

After modelling, I rendered the model using Arnold rendered with a Skydome lighting. 
Fig. 5: Rendered model.

Fig. 6: Rendered model.

Fig. 7: Rendered model.

Fig. 8: Rendered model.

When the rendering is done, I then proceeded to make the poster for my 3D Hard Surface model in Adobe Photoshop. I named the dragon robot Fireball. 

Fig. 9: Final Poster of Fireball.
