Compositing & Special Effects (Assignment 2)

12th October 2018 to 28th October 2018
Gan Pei Jane (0327622)
Compositing and Special Effects
Assignment 2

Week 7

12th October 2018

During class, Mr. Kannan briefed us on our next assignment, which is Matte Painting. He then shows us several tutorials and videos on Matte Painting. 

Afterwards, we're required to do an exercise on the vanishing point in class. Which is to draw a stone and background and also another exercise to determine the vanishing point of a particular picture. 

Week 8

15th October 2018

On the 8th week, we are required to sketch out several designs for our matte painting. Mr. Kannan then shows us a few examples on how to do matte painting from vague blocks to detailed drawings. 

19th October 2018

On the second class of the week, we already have to decide on what we wanted to create so Mr. Kannan asked us to produce 5 pieces of drawings.

Week 9

22nd October 2018

In the end, I settled with this drawing. 

Despite choosing this as a reference to my assignment 2, I initially followed the placement of the houses and mountains in the drawing that I've chosen, but then I altered the placement a bit and also the house and mountains.  

Then afterwards, Mr. Kannan says that my placement can be improved. So he drew a reference for me.

In which I then created an outcome that follows his reference, but he told me not to follow it too similarly as it would be a plagiarized work. I added a few jetplanes to the matte painting as it would probably add to an ethereal effect that I wanted. The colour purple is incorporated as I wanted to show a dawn-like effect.

The first attempt of placement of outcome.

The final attempt.

The final outcome is in the link as below.
