Design Research Methodology

4th September to 11th December 2018 (Week 1 to Week 14)
Gan Pei Jane (0327622)
Design Research Methodology

Week 1: 4th September 2018

For the first week, Dr. Hayati briefed us on our module outline for Design Research Methodology. After explaining the module outline, she gave us options to choose our desired topic of research based on what we like. There is a list of selections that include motion graphic, animation, illustration, game design, film, web design and so on. After choosing our desired topic of choice, we have to gather around with our classmates that have also selected the same topic as our own and discuss among ourselves. Dr. Hayati stressed on the importance of choosing a topic that we liked and wanted to work on for a long period of time as it is a topic that we're going to stick to for a few semesters. I chose Game Design as it is one of the topics that I like. Although for a while, I've pondered between choosing Game Design or Illustration. After choosing, I discussed the topic with 3 other people that have chosen the topic of Game Design themselves, which is Xin Ying, Justyna, and Edric.

While discussing with the people that have chosen Game Design, Dr. Hayati then came around our groups and gave us brief ideas on the area of research that we wanted to pursue. I then decided to choose innovation as it is one of the highly debated areas of research for Game Design.

The reason for choosing my area of research is due to the fact that there are many games that have repetitive releases. For instance, the Call of Duty series by game developer Activision.

Fig. 1: Call of Duty series.

Besides this, there are also several articles online that have supported the idea that innovation may be a problem in the gaming industry.

For instance,  the website Kotaku, which is a website that mostly talks about games, has also mentioned the topic about innovation.

and also, Egg Network, another website that talks about games have also highlighted the topic about innovation.

7th September 2018

On the second class, Dr. Hayati briefed us more on our module outline to ensure that students will have a clear idea on what to expect and to do for this module. After that, she then allows us to present on the topic of our choice and the area of research for our topic.

At first, I wanted to abandon the thought about innovation in Game Design as I do not have a clear confirmation on whether that is the topic that I wanted to do or not. So I decided on another area of research, which is the money aspect of the game. For my presentation, I talked about why gamers tend to overspend on mobile games and why mobile game developers should make their games cheaper, or reduce in-game item prices to attract more gamers to play their games. But after presenting, Dr. Hayati mentions that my area of research is too business-like and I should focus on an area of research that is more suitable for a game developer, or something that a game developer can make.

After class ended, I then decided to change my topic back into innovation as it is something that I have thought of earlier. I then research more about the innovation of game design, or the lack thereof, and why it would be an interesting topic to talk about.

Week 2: 14th September 2018

During Week 2, we learned how to write a research proposal. Dr. Hayati taught us how to write a problem statement and have also lectured us on our research process. Dr. Hayati has also encouraged us to start reading a lot to improve our knowledge on the topic that we have chosen. We have to also find several articles that can help us with our topic of research.

After that, before class ends, some students that have not presented in the earlier class have the opportunity to present their topics today.

Week 3: 21st September 2018

This week, we have the opportunity to learn from a librarian about information literacy and how to access articles, e-books, journals, thesis and other academic materials from Taylor's Library to further aid our research. After that, we have also learned how to reference and cite from the materials that we've chosen in our research reports.

Week 4: 24th September 2018

For this week's tutorial, Dr. Hayati consulted us on our research proposal draft and our problem statements, research questions and also objectives of research. Dr. Hayati commented that I needed to change my keyword "no innovation" in game design to "lack of" innovation in game design, as the word "no innovation" is a strong statement to justify. Dr. Hayati also mentioned that the area of research I have chosen, which is "innovation" is too time-consuming and is too big of a topic for a degree student to pursue and that is it more of a research area suitable for Ph.D. or Master students. After her feedback, I still decided to stick to my topic on innovation. Dr. Hayati has also encouraged me to research more on my topic to get a clear understanding of what I am pursuing and to look for articles or journals that can help support my research.

28th September 2018

For the lecture on Friday, we were taught on how to do critical review, data collection, and the eight-step process. She then reminded us that we have to submit our final research proposal this Sunday.

Week 5: 1st October 2018

During this week's tutorial, Dr. Hayati consulted us on the research to ensure that we are clear about what we are doing for this research. After consulting, she then mentioned that we need to find journals that can support our research and to write at least 2 critical reviews to present by next week.

5th October 2018

Dr. Hayati gave us a lecture.

Week 6: 8th October 2018

For tutorial today, we have to present the critical reviews that we have written since last week. As it is difficult to find journals that support my research about game innovation, as I have no access for some journals that are available online, I decided to only present 1 critical review this week.

The journal I have chosen for my presentation today is a journal by Dominic Arsenault with the title Video Game Genre, Evolution and Innovation. I then explained my research questions that I want to answer from this journal and my analysis, findings and conclusions for this journal.

Week 7: 15th October 2018

For this week, we only focus on writing 10 critical reviews based on our research. I managed to find 6 journals for my critical review writing for this week. Afterwards, I continued to find suitable journals or e-books that can help me understand this research topic and area better. After writing all the critical reviews, we are required to start thinking about our primary research, and how to gather information from audiences and the kind of audiences that we would want to involve in our research.

Week 8: 22nd October 2018

For this week, we are required to submit all our critical reviews that are in relation to our research topic and area. There are too many critical reviews in separate files to be posted on this blog so I will include the link to my Google Drive that I have submitted my critical reviews in.

The critical reviews are available in the Final folder of the folder Research:

After completing the critical reviews, we then have to think about what and how we want to conduct our primary research and also the possible questions that we wanted to ask our participants for the research. For the question design, we must also be careful not to be biased. After that, I decided to create a Google Form Survey Questionnaire for my quantitative method of research. We also have to present our primary data methods to the class. But unfortunately, I wasn't in class for that period of time so I have only send my slides to Dr. Hayati for feedback.

The unamended slides:

Week 9: 29th October 2018

After Dr. Hayati's feedback, I made amendments to my survey questionnaire design and also created a separate questionnaire for experts as a second method of research, which is my qualitative research.

There are 20 questions that were designed to be answered by gamers, and 3 questions to be answered by experts.

Below is the link to my final survey questionnaire design:

The questions proposed to gamers:

1. How often do you play games?
2. Do you often buy or download newly released games?
3. Do you find recently released games such as Diablo 3, Soul Caliber 6, Assassin's Creed Odyssey or Monster Hunter World interesting?
4. Due to the fact that game titles like these tend to be released multiple times, for instance Diablo 1 to 3, do you find newly released games like above mentioned repetitive?
5. What are the aspects of games that you find interesting? Tick as many as you want.
6. Do you often buy or download newly released games?
7. Do you think some games like CoD, lacks innovativeness in terms of its repetitive releases?
8. Would you buy a game that is newly released that is similar to the game that you already owned? (If answered yes, move on to question 9, if answered no, move on to question 10.)
9. If answered yes to question 8, why?
10. If answered no to question 8, why?
11. In your opinion, do game innovation matter?
12. What would you like to see in the future in games? For example, art style changes, gameplay changes, design etc. Or do you think games now are fine as they are? 
13. What are some mobile phone games that you think is fun to play? 
14. What are some mobile games that you think sparked your interest? 
15. Do you watch game related videos from game streamers or youtubers online? (If answered yes, move on to question 16, if answered no, move on to question 17.)
16. Do said game streamers or youtubers you watch influence your opinions on certain games?
17. Is there a game that you play that you would like to make some changes to, to make it more playable or fun for you? (If answered yes, move on to question 18, if answered no, move on to question 19.)
18. What game is that and what changes would you make it the game? (You can list more than one game.)
19. If answered no, are you satisfied with the games available now? 
20. What are some games that you like to play and why? 

The questions proposed to experts: 

Question 1: As an expert in the gaming field, do you think that there is a lack of innovation in the gaming industry these days?
Question 2: What do you think game industries should put in effort to make a game more innovative? For instance, storyline, character design or gameplay?
Question 3: As it is difficult to adjust to every single person’s preferences, taking account into the gaming community as a whole, how do you start developing an idea for a  game that can satisfy the masses?

Week 10: 5th November 2018

For this week, we continue to gather participant feedback for our primary research. While I have only received 19 responses from my survey, I did not receive any responses from the experts. 

Week 11: 12th November 2018

For this week, Dr. Hayati encouraged me to circulate the survey to more people to get more respondents. I then received more responses from my survey. I have also send a gentle reminder to the experts. 

Week 12: 19th November 2018

For this week, we need to submit our primary data report. 

Week 13 & Week 14: 26th November 2018 - 2nd December 2018

I have started working on my final presentation slides for the presentation on Week 15 Monday. For this presentation, it will be a peer review where our classmates will review each other's presentations and to ask questions and provide feedback.

Final slides:
