Game Design

Gan Pei Jane
Bachelor of Multimedia Design
Semester 6 (August 2020 ~ November 2020)
Game Design



Inspired by pacman


  • Collect cookies and move to the next level to fight higher level monster

  • By the end of every level players should fight the final boss

  • If monsters kill the players, the player will respawn at the previous checkpoint. 


  • Collect the stars to unlock new special powers to fight monsters and be immortal for 30 seconds


  • Mobile game, arcade, single player  

Inspired by dota and pokemon card 


  • Using champions to defeat all opponents. 

  • Champions have their own set of strengths 

  • Supplementary cards that can represent items to increase existing bench of cards' strength to defeat opponents 


  • Special cards that can help evolve current deck's champions


  • Card game, Strategy, Multiplayer

Final Project

For this module, there is only one project, which is the one and only project for Game Design. For this module, we will need to complete a game project from start to finish. 

Before we start our game, we have to make a proposal on what game that we want to produce. For me, I would like to produce a platformer game. The proposal for the game is as below. 

Game Proposal


My game is called Gunk Wars and is inspired by platformer games like Hollow Knight. The objective of the game is to play as a main character where you maneuver around the map with the objectives of killing enemies around you to defeat the final boss and obtain a final crystal piece from the boss in order to save your nation. You will face obstacles such as jumping from platforms to another and also avoiding spikes that may come your way, as well as obtaining keys to open doors to proceed to the next level. The game consists of 2 levels and a final boss level. After defeating the big boss, you will reach the end where you will obtain the final crystal piece to complete your game. 

This is the leveling design, the character design and the UI design of the game:


The player character is controlled by a left or right key to walk left or right and a spacebar to jump

in order to navigate the map. In order to attack the enemy, the player character wields a gun, to control

the gun, it can be fired with a left click. In order to dodge, it can be controlled with a right click. There is

a limited amount of power for the dodging, so the player cannot use it indefinitely. 

The enemy will fire attacks to to the player, when attacks are fired, the player will lose HP. When

player’s gun fire collides with the enemy, the enemy will lose HP when the HP is small enough, the

enemy will disappear. Along the map the players will come across HP boosters. These boosters can

be used to increase HP when needed. If player character loses life they will be respawn at the

beginning of the map.


Basic Features

The basic features of the game include:

  • The player character and the ability to wield its gun 

  • The ability to fire bullets from the gun

  • Enemies that appear on the map and can be destroyed by the player’s bullets

  • Player has HP and MP bar that can be increased or decreased with booster or enemy hits

  • A new level if first level has been completed 

  • Player can dodge enemy hits, limited amount of dodging  

  • The player has multiple lives, and can choose when to start their next life and reappear on the screen.
