Mobile Application II (Lectures and Exercises)

Mobile Application II

Gan Pei Jane 
March 2019 - July 2019

Week 1
1st April 2019

For the first class, we were introduced to the module Mobile Application II by our lecturers Mr. Razif Mohammed and Mr. Kannan Vijayan. Mr. Razif briefed us about the module and what to expect from the module. He then told us that he is the one responsible for the technical aspects of mobile application creation and Mr. Kannan will be responsible for the art direction aspect. After the initial briefing, Mr. Kannan then asked us to show him our previous design for our mobile application I. I planned to change my design for the app and maintain the topic of my app, which is a beauty app. After showing him my design, Mr. Kannan explained that I have to change the design as it is not suitable for the topic of my app. He then told me to create a new design and show it to him and he will give me feedback regarding the new design. Furthermore, he has also mentioned that I should focus on one aspect of a beauty app for my final design instead of focusing on many aspects, for example, either it is a beauty filter app, or a makeup tips app, and I shouldn't combine both as it is going to be too much.

3rd April 2019

For the second class, we are expected to show our app design to a group of juniors for usability testing. We were then grouped into teams of two people and one person will be showing their app to the usability testing participant and the other will film the interaction between the app designer and the tester. I used my old app design to do the usability testing to the juniors and recorded her feedback. Below is the XD file, video and real-time board feedback from the usability testing conducted on one of the juniors:

1. XD File
2. Real-time board
3. Usability Test

From my feedback on my current design, both from Mr. Kannan and the junior, I've decided to redo the whole design to simplify the beauty app so that it is easier to understand and to navigate through. As for the final design, I've decided to focus on doing a makeup app. To do this, I have taken inspiration from several beauty apps available, and have looked through websites, blogs, and youtube for inspiration. The makeup app allows the users to find the looks suitable for a particular event and it can help the users to decide what they want to look like, and also to find the latest trend in makeup.
The final app will omit many of the functions in my previous design, which is the filter function, the community function, and the skincare function. This is to simplify the functions of the app and to make an app that is simple and straightforward.

The Art Direction:


Trendy, Modern, Self-confident


For the typeface, I want something that can bring out a modern and trendy sense and at the same time exudes self-confidence.

Abril Fatface will be the main type and Playfair Display will be a complimenting type. 

Colour Palette

For the color palette, I want to incorporate soft, mellow yet modern colors. There are a few color choices that I want to use but I have not decided upon.


For the design, I would like to use an asymmetrical layout in the app. The picture below is taken for my references.

Week 2
8th April 2019

No class for today due to collaboration with RMIT University.

10th April 2019

No class for today due to collaboration with RMIT University.

Week 3
15th April 2019

No class for today due to collaboration with RMIT University.

17th April 2019

No class for today due to collaboration with RMIT University.

Week 4
22nd April 2019

No class for today as Mr. Kannan gave us a rest day after the collab with RMIT University.

24th April 2019

Today, we had a small coding lesson with Mr. Razif, we were told to install the PhoneGap app into our phones and to install the similar app into our laptops. We then were asked to create a webpage that can link from page 1 to page 2 and back to page 1 using Dreamweaver.

Week 5
29th April 2019

I had a consultation with Mr. Kannan today to see our works, for the consultation, I show him my rough layout of the mobile app that I would like to focus on. For this consultation, I showed him some of the colors that I am going to use and also the font and parts of my app from the previous Mobile App and Usability 1's project that I would like to focus on. Mr. Kannan told me to change my app layout and that the parts that I would like to focus on are still okay, but I will need to work on it more.

1st May 2019

No class for today due to Labour Day. 
